Dog Breath Smells Like Fish


Dogs breath smells like fish.

My dog’s breath has only ever smelled properly minty for a few hours at the most. A dog’s breath, like that of humans, will return to its natural state of less-than-fresh odor. The difference between ourselves and our dogs is that we don’t use our tongues to explore the environment. As a result, the fragrance of your dog’s breath will vary depending on what he’s up to. If your dog’s breath smells like fish, there are a few known causes for this serious issue.

Bad Fish Breath, Where is Bait Bucket?


No Sardines Here, It’s’ In the Glands


Many of us dog owners live hundreds of miles away from a lake or sea, and our dog’s breath still smells like fish. It’s inexplicable. One of the primary reasons a dog’s breath smells like fish is even more revolting than the fish possibility. Dogs have two anal glands on either side of their anus, one at five o’clock and one at seven o’clock. When these glands ‘express,’ they expel a very strong fishy odour. This odour is transferred to your dog’s mouth as he cleans himself with his tongue.


The scent is comparable to a Facebook update for dogs. When your dog smells another dog’s anal secretions, it picks up chemical information about its age, gender, emotional state, and other characteristics. As they defecate, dogs’ anal sacs will naturally express themselves. However, some dogs, particularly small breeds, have difficulty expressing themselves, causing pressure to build up. They’ll scoot their butt across the floor or nip at their hind regions to relieve the pressure. Some dogs have clear anal fluid, whereas others have brown and viscous fluid. This makes it more difficult for a dog to express himself naturally.

If you’re feeling brave, you can express the anal glands by applying pressure to the glands. The best place to do this is in the bathtub, immediately before taking a bath. To keep the secretion contained, wear gloves and use paper towels. Pick up their tail, wrap your fingers around the gland, and pull forward. You can also have your groomer or veterinarian do this for you. We can’t say we blame you!

How To Get Right Of The Fish Stink?


Most causes of bad breath can be easily treated, depending on the issue. Small breeds, once again, have the most problems with anal gland expressions. Allow your groomer to handle this for you. It’s less expensive than a veterinarian visit, and your dog gets a bath afterward to get rid of all the odors. That fish odor will go away once their glands are healthy.

Getting To The Root Of The Problem

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